The Blacklist
30 Day Challenge, Part 2Season 1 GIFs and Thoughts
Day #6: Share a scene that made you cry.
One scene? Ha! There's no way I could pick just one. Like Day 3's favorite male character, I could gif multiple scenes from every episode if only I had the time.
I don't know that I've cried that much, but I've often been on the verge of tears, I have gasped, had a catch in my throat, felt an emptiness in my chest when something was devastating, a warmth if it was joyous. This show more than most does that to me on a regular basis. Only the top tier, such as Fringe, Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, and Supernatural have that effect.
Day #7: What would you consider to be the most embarrassing moment on The Blacklist?
I'm embarrassed for Lizzy pretending that things are hunky-dory, forcing herself to trust Tom again way too soon. I can see why she wants it so badly - her life just starting with a man she loved and a baby on the way - but it can't last, unless Tom really is innocent. Doubt that, though. (Edit 1/18/18: We're now five seasons in. If you've been watching the whole time, then you know how this turned out. If you haven't, all I'll say it's been a complicated, rocky road with Tom, but he won me over completely and recently broke me. Ryan Eggold's performance always kept me on edge.)
Day #8: Share something you wish hadn't happened in The Blacklist.
Luli dying at the hands of Anslo Garrick. I really thought we would get to know more about her. Maybe we still will in a flashback episode. Even with that, I have loved the direction the show has taken. Killing Luli demonstrated Anslo's seriousness and impatience. It was a beautiful moment of disbelief for Red, showing that he still cares for people and will let them get close to his heart. (Edit 1/18/18: Speaking from the fifth season, if I could only choose one thing for all time in the series to change, then it would be what happened in "Ian Garvey." It was just so heartbreaking and now I can't listen to Disturbed's version of "Sound of Silence" ever again without thinking of the final minutes. But without what happened here, we wouldn't have "Ruin" and this new direction of vengeance for Liz, which promises to be as intriguing as the rest of the series has been.)
Day #9: Share something you wish had happened in The Blacklist.
The show is just getting started, so I can't really answer this. I'll just mention the same thing I said for Day #8. I wanted know more about Luli. Maybe we will have a chance with some reminiscing in a backstory episode. Maybe not. Like life, some people pass too quickly through. That actually makes it feel more realistic. Maybe her story was never intended to be complete, or the writers decided on a different direction that hadn't thought of when they created the character.
Day #10: Share the character you find most relatable and why?
"Pretend they're paper."
I usually find many characters relatable, because I can picture myself in nearly anyone's shoes. I can understand their point of view and what makes them tick. I'll go with the funny tech guy, though. Aram is adorable. I feel like he would be a good, amusing friend, someone easy to talk to. Of course now that I've said that, it means the writers will kill him off one day. (Edit 1/18/18: Aram is still around! They scared me a few times by putting him in danger. I'll be devastated if he doesn't make it until the credits roll on the series.)
Pilot [HD] | The Freelancer (No. 145) [HD] | Wujing (No. 84) [HD] | The Stewmaker (No. 161) [HD] | The Courier (No. 85) [HD] | Gina Zanetakos (No. 152) [HD] | Frederick Barnes (No. 47) [HD] | General Ludd (No. 109) [HD] | Anslo Garrick (No. 16), Part 1 [HD] | Anslo Garrick (No. 16), Part 2 [HD] |
The Blacklist: The Complete First Season [Blu-ray]
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