Imagine Dragons New Single ~ Roots


Yup...I love it!

I happened to glance at a tweet yesterday about a new single from Imagine Dragons. I just assumed it was off their latest album, "Smoke + Mirrors," which I have listened to so much it's stuck permanently in my brain. Didn't even look at the name of the song, I guess, or I might have noticed it was unfamiliar. I was too busy anyway and I didn't think of it again.

Oh, singles. I hate and love that about Imagine Dragons. They sometimes release a song here and there, or EPs or remixes, between albums. I don't actually own Warriors or Battle Cry yet. I think I may be missing Monster, too. Of course I've listened to them on Spotify, but I'd rather pay. I like to support the musicians I love. It's easier to do that when all the songs are on the albums when I buy them. Instead I have to download some later, which I often forget to do...or buy them all over again in the case of Bastille's Bad Blood because there was an entire second disc's worth of new material on All This Bad Blood.

I love more than a handful of musicians, and it becomes a chore (and can be a bit expensive) to hunt down all their non-album singles and b-sides. One day I'll gather all the songs I'm missing from all my bands and have an entire day's worth of new music to listen to. That'll be nice. But for today I'll just be downloading Roots. You can get it on Amazon, like I will after I'm done here. Or you can buy it from iTunes if you really want to, but I am not an affiliate, so please consider Amazon instead.


Price: $1.29
Version: MP3 Single
Artist: Imagine Dragons
Artist Website(s): Official Site, Twitter

Smoke + Mirrors

Price: $13.99
Version: Deluxe CD
Artist: Imagine Dragons
I'm not a Target affiliate, but they have the best price for this version by far at $14 less than Amazon and it comes with 4 exclusive tracks.

When adding labels this post, I realized I had none for Imagine Dragons. Then I searched for a mention of them on my site. Nothing! What? I know I never finished my review of Smoke + Mirrors, but not even once did I say anything about them anywhere? I think I know what happened. I've talked about ID in other music posts that I must not have finished either. Usually the t-shirts take top priority. I have to remedy this. Not a lot I can do right now, though. Suffice it to say that their second album may even be better than the first. Most if not every song they've done up to this point has a unique sound, so nothing gets stale. That's why I love 'em.


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