Doctor Who
All of Time and Space

TFCM20 - Valid Monday, November 30 for 20% off at TeeFury
TFCT15 - Valid Tuesday, December 1 for 15% off
TFCW10 - Valid Wednesday, December 2 for 10% off
TeeFury is having a sale for the next three days on everything! Well, almost everything. The daily t-shirts are excluded, but they're already at a very low price. Use the codes above to get 10% to 20% off all other tees, hoodies, posters, shoes or leggings that your heart desires. My heart has wanted a Doctor Who hoodie for a long time.
I've always loved hoodies, but I've always had them plain, no designs whatsoever, very boring. I have four in my closet right now. The cuffs on my little grey one are stretched out and no longer wash clean. The forest green one is very big and kind of blech. Yup, blech. Also, not very soft. And the maroon suddenly developed holes! That leaves only the black one that's actually in a condition I can wear in public and not have strangers come up to me and drop change in my cup.
So, I am going to get either 'All of Time and Space' or 'T4RD1S'. I think I tweeted both of them when they premiered as the daily tee, T4RD1S not that long ago. No idea why I didn't order it then, except maybe to save money. But now I'm buying them anyway. Not only that, but I have to get at least '12' as a tee so that I can wear Peter Capaldi on my a non-creepy way.
And since this is a Cyber Week sale, I must include some more can't miss Doctor Who designs from the fantastic Whovian Style Collection. There are plenty of other designs from innumerable TV series and movies, but I'm on a Doctor Who streak lately. In his first season, I thought Peter Capaldi was a great choice for the role, and he nailed being the Doctor. But his heartbreaking performances this season, along with the beautiful stories and writing, have gone far beyond that. And that's why I chose here a couple tees with Twelve on them, one or two of which I think I need to buy. Capaldi and Twelve will never be forgotten.
Did you hear Twelve's worry about losing people in The Girl Who Died or his conversation with The Woman Who Lived, whose heart he didn't know would rust if he saved her life and gave her back eternity? Did you see Capaldi's emotional anti-war speech in The Zygon Inversion and the impeccably acted goodbye between him and Jenna Coleman in Face the Raven? Did you experience the 4 billion years of the Doctor's loneliness and terror and confusion in Heaven Sent? If you haven't and you're not a Whovian, I suggest you start right here, right now.
It's really best, of course, to start at the beginning of new Who or the first episode of the actor you're most interested in. You can go classic Who if you want, but that's quite a committment. If the imagination, poignancy, and flawless acting of any of the episodes I mentioned can't get you interested then it may not be the right show for you. If that's the case, you can check out What's Trending or Shop All for something more your taste.
Anyway, to the tees!

Price: $20 - $22
Sizes: Up to 3XL
Colors: Charcoal, Cream, Navy, or White
Price: $45 - $47
Sizes: Up to 4XL
Colors: Heather Grey, Black, Royal Blue, Navy, or Red
All of Time & Space

Price: $20 - $22
Sizes: Up to 3XL
Colors: Black or Navy
Price: $45 - $47
Sizes: Up to 4XL
Colors: Heather Grey, Black, Royal Blue, or Navy

Price: $20 - $22
Sizes: Up to 3XL
Colors: Black, Charcoal, or Navy
Price: $45 - $47
Sizes: Up to 4XL
Colors: Heather Grey, Black, Royal Blue, Navy, or Red
Doctor Selfie

Price: $20 - $22
Sizes: Up to 3XL
Colors: Slate, Charcoal, or Royal Blue
Price: $45 - $47
Sizes: Up to 4XL
Colors: Heather Grey, Black, Royal Blue, Navy, or Red
TeeFury  RiptApparel
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