Doctor Who
The Doctor's Moments ~ Funny
Series Scenes


Just as an introduction, this started life as "I Still Miss David Tennant...," but it got way out of control. It was a few days before the mid-season finale of Series 6 in America, and I had inspiration (from an earlier Fringe post) to find videos that would showcase the personalities and emotions of the last two Doctors and the talent of the actors. Why just the last two? Well, it would just be ridiculously difficult to do all of them, and this was going to be about how I still miss Tennant but that Matt Smith is a tremendous replacement.

Well, because of the way some videos are named, and the fact that not every scene I originally wanted had been uploaded, it could take hours just to find one that fit what I had in mind. Over the weeks I was distracted with discovering many other videos that I needed to figure out how to use. It seemed like it would never end. The little post became an unwieldy beast that had to be divided to be conquered.

I was originally going to end on the light and funny bits, because I wanted people to leave feeling happy instead of depressed. But I'm going to start with them now instead.

David Tennant // Series 4 compilation

David Tennant // Series 4 compilation continued

Matt Smith // Series 5 compilation ~ This includes, of course, fish fingers and custard, something which Amy swears upon in a later episode.

Bonus // And because I don't want to completely leave him out, I can't forget that I also loved Christopher Eccleston, the first Doctor of whom I have a clear memory of more than a few fleeting seconds. Wow, that's a record; already breaking my own rules for only Tennant and Smith.

If you have a favorite scene or two that fits the emotion depicted here, please feel free to contribute. And if you can find the clip somewhere (YouTube, Daily Motion, et cetera) that would be even better.

To Be Continued...


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