Doctor Who
The Angels Have the Phone Box


You can get a great deal on t-shirts today through Friday. ThinkGeek is having a buy 2 get 1 free promotion. If I can find that extra money, I will be getting The Angels Have the Phone Box, Wanted: Bad Horse, and Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock. I wanted many others, too, such as Soft Kitty, Stark Industries, Called for Help, Bazinga, Winchester Tavern, and Abby Normal. Sadly, some of them were sold out, but at least that made the decision slightly easier.

What makes a purchase this week even more attractive is the coupon code MONKEYDAY, which takes an extra $10 off. I only wish shipping was also free, but the total for three shirts came out to just $36.77. I said I was done buying stuff for myself for a while, but since most of my clothes suck I'll probably make the excuse. And if they ever have a Voltron shirt, I wouldn't even care if it was my last $20.


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